
2008-03-20 7:57 am

Dhasedyl syr
Diclofenac 50mg
Chlorpheniramine 4mg
Ambroxol 30mg

服食這幾種藥後有心跳加速和手震的現象 ,是否正常?

回答 (3)

2008-03-20 11:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dhasedyl syr = Codeine phosphate

CODEINE relieves mild to moderate pain, and helps to stop or reduce coughing.

Side effects :
• blurred vision
• constipation
• dizziness or drowsiness
• dry mouth
• headache
• nausea, vomiting
• pinpoint pupils
• sweating

DICLOFENAC (Voltaren®-XR) is an anti-inflammatory drug. Diclofenac reduces the joint pain, stiffness, inflammation, or swelling caused by rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Generic diclofenac extended-release tablets are available.
side effect
• constipation or diarrhea
• dizziness
• gas or heartburn
• headache
• nausea, vomiting

Lozenge i think they have bezocaine

BENZOCAINE (Americaine® Otic) causes loss of feeling in the skin and mucous membranes, relieving minor earpain and itching.

side effect
• difficulty breathing
• dizziness or drowsiness
• fast or slow heartbeat
• headache
• increased sweating
• restlessness, nervousness, anxiety
• seizures (convulsions)
• swelling of the face
• tremor
CHLORPHENIRAMINE is an antihistamine. It helps to reduce moderate to severe allergic reactions.
side effect
• drowsiness, dizziness
• dry mouth
• headache
• loss of appetite
• stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation
mucolytic agent

side effect

hope it can help u
參考: i am a student pharmacist and all the info is comming from drug info handbook
2008-03-20 8:12 pm
2008-03-20 8:04 am
Side effects Diclofenac 50mgDiclofenac is among the better tolerated NSAIDs. Though 20% ofpatients on long-term treatment experience side effects, only 2% haveto discontinue the drug, mostly due to gastrointestinal complaints.
[edit] CardiacFollowing the identification of increased risks of heart attacks with the selective COX-2 inhibitor rofecoxib in 2004, attention has focused on all the other members of the NSAIDsgroup, including Diclofenac. Research results are mixed with ameta-analysis of papers and reports up to April 2006 suggesting arelative increased rate of heart disease of 1.63 compared to non users.[2]Professor Peter Weissberg, Medical Director of the British HeartFoundation said, "However, the increased risk is small and manypatients with chronic debilitating pain may well feel that this smallrisk is worth taking to relieve their symptoms". Only Aspirinwas found not to increase the risk of heart disease, however this isknown to have a higher rate of gastric ulceration than Diclofenac.
A subsequent large study of 74,838 users of NSAIDs or coxibs, publishedin May 2006 found no additional cardiovascular risk from Diclofenac use.[3]Diclonefac has similar COX-2 selectivity to celecoxib [4].Perhaps related to this selectivity, a review of this constantlychanging topic by FDA Medical Officer David Graham concluded inSeptember, 2006 that Diclofenac does increase the risk of myocardial infarction [5].
[edit] GastrointestinalGastrointestinal complaints are most often noted (see above). Thedevelopment of ulceration and/or bleeding requires immediatetermination of treatment with diclofenac. Most patients receive anulcer-protective drug as prophylaxis during long-term treatment(misoprostol, ranitidine 150mg at bedtime or omeprazole 20 mg atbedtime).

心跳加速和手震的現象 ,不正常

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