
2008-03-20 7:07 am
請幫幫忙..將以下中文翻譯英文, 謝謝!


回答 (2)

2008-03-20 7:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hopefully I can help you=]

In this film, I could realize how brave is the main character, Kitty. She did unpossible things for her own father and family. Because of her bravery and her courage, I gradually love her character. Kitty has faced many challenges, but she could solve these problems by her persistence. There are many amusing and thrilling segments in the film. Every scenes are unforgettable for me.
2008-03-23 5:30 am
In this film, I see lead kitty she to be very brave She for from already the father and the family member, made some to make one feel not the impossible matter Is brave and her courage because of her, made me like on her this role kitty once encountering very many difficulties, but because her persisting, finally all could solve these difficulties Has the fragment in this film which very does smiles and stimulates, each fragment all makes me feel profound
參考: 0.0我囉

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