✔ 最佳答案
The IRD will ususally consider (1). whether a proper agreement was made for the leasing of the 3 machines (2) whether the agreement was made in the ordinary course of business and at arm's length.
In accounting, the cost of this inventory will then be capitalised in the books of Holding ( H ).
So, whether the Subsidiary ( S ) could or could not leases these machines to other parties is another issue. The crucial issue is whether the rent charged by H is for 3 machines, a fixed rent and in the ordinary course of business and at arm's length. If so, the wear and tear allowance will be allowed. Moreover, S could claim the leaseing charge as a full deduction in its profits tax return. Or else, the IRD will consider the feasibilty of the deductability of the wear and tear allowance of the 3 machines as claimed by H relative to the intention and time duration of using these machines for leasing purposes as H is receiving rental income say, on 1 machine, instead of 3 as the total rental income is reduced significantly. IRD may consider whether the Expenses ( wear and tear ) incurred wholly, exclusively and necessaily for the production of this rental income if the impact is quite significant.