請問錄影帶怎樣才可轉換為 DVD 或 VCD 呢?

2008-03-20 12:02 am
請問錄影帶(cassette tape) 怎樣才可轉換為 DVD 或 VCD 呢?
四小時的錄影帶要多少 mb 的 DVD碟才夠用?

回答 (3)

2008-03-20 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先你需要有一張tv tuner card, 將你錄影連接至這張tv卡上, 咁你在錄影機播片, 在電腦既tv卡設定錄影, 咁你可以選擇將影片錄製作成mpg(vcd格式), 或其他格式, 之後用佢跟卡既軟件做剪接, 多數都係跟Power Producer既, 咁就可以將錄影帶數碼化儲存了!! ^^
4小時既影片做mpg格式的話, 若需要1.8GB既容間, 但係我提議你唔好將咁大段片製成1個file, 提議你可以分成幾個檔案作儲存, 係因為就算而家的電腦有幾快, vga卡(顯示卡)有幾快幾強, 絕大部分既工作都有硬件支援都好, 但音訊與影訊都好難做到真真正正的同步, 因此檔案(段片)一長, 好多時都會有甩咀既情況出現既!! 就好似在巴士上睇roadshow既片咁, 成日都甩咀一樣!! @@"

請珍惜答問者心血 ,勿隨便取消或棄置問題 ,多謝大家合作 !
參考: me
2008-03-20 3:45 am
get an usb tv box ( with av in)
connect that tv box to a computer via usb
connect the vcr to that tv box via av in
then start recording with the video recording software shipped with that tv box
( to record DVD/ mpegII quality, a machine of CPU 2.4Mhz or the latest core duo is required;
otherwise, a tv box with built-in hardware compression is required for slow machines. you might choose " Plextor " ... check that out at computer shops .... approx $8xx.00 )
for DVD quality, a 4-hr video needs 2 DVD disc each of 4.7G single layer
; for VCD quality, it means 2.4G disc space ( 4 pieces of CDR/ RW or 1 piece of DVD disc)
2008-03-20 12:04 am
sorry我唔識但我知好多影音公司可以幫你做到,你可以俾錢人地做。 價錢約幾十元啦

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