”including but not limited to ” 中文解釋 ?

2008-03-20 12:00 am
any loss of or damage to any mobile phones or their accessories (including but not limited to PDA
phone and other accessories), plastic money (including credit value of credit card, Octopus cards, etc
點解後面個句又只用including 唔再用including but not limited to 呢?

回答 (1)

2008-03-27 9:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
including but not limited to 係道—句律師常用的句子


因為只寫包括並唔準確--e.g.如果冇呢句,就令人係出現爭執時可以話只指mobil phone or their accessories.

呢D句子就係寫草議法律文件常用的 Catch-all-phrase (包括所有的句法)


參考: 我自已的執業經驗 Atkin's Court Forms

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