Math ~ Maximum and minimum value of 1+cosx

2008-03-19 11:03 pm
Given 0<= x <= 90
find the Maximum and minimum value of 1+cosx

ans is : max 2 , min 0

回答 (2)

2008-03-19 11:45 pm
Math ~ Maximum and minimum value of 1+cosx
Given 0&lt;= x &lt;= 90
find the Maximum and minimum value of 1+cosx

ans is : max 2 , min 0
2008-03-19 11:12 pm
要了解 cos x 甚麼時侯會係 1 同 -1 就知道答案

當 x = 0
1 + cos (0)
= 1 + 1
= 2

當 x= 90
1 + cos (90)
= 1 + (-1)
= 0

Therefore 1 + cos x has maximium value of 2 and minimum value of 0

2008-03-19 21:09:22 補充:
說錯了,consider cos x when x =0,1 + cos 0 = 1 + 1 = 2
when x = 90, 1 + cos 90 = 1 + 0 = 1
Min can only get as close as 1

2008-03-19 21:09:59 補充:

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