可唔可以幫我譯做英文呀 ~~~ 唔該晒

2008-03-19 8:12 pm
AUDITOR話可能趕唔切聽日俾份draft account,佢問最遲可以邊一日俾你呀?

改一改個內容先 ~ auditor問你e mail提及ge draft account係指management account定係audit account呢? 佢話如無意外,draft management account復活節前可以俾到你,但係audit account就要下個星期先做得起

回答 (3)

2008-03-19 8:31 pm
The Draft account which you have mentioned in your e-mail is it referring to the management account or the audit account asked by the auditor.

If everything is fine, I trust I can pass the mangement account (draft version) to you before the easter holiday. However, the audit account may be needed one more week to go before I send it to you.
參考: myself
2008-03-19 8:17 pm
AUDITOR the speech is possibly too late to catch listens Japan to enable the share draft account asked most late may side on first enable you?
參考: myself
2008-03-19 8:16 pm
AUDITOR says and maye cant give you the draft account tomorrow, then at the latest can that day to you?

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