
2008-03-19 8:04 pm
請告訴我所有咖啡的名稱 (eg,cappuccino, latte, mocha....)

另外我很想很想知每種咖啡有什麼特別... (eg, latte即是什麼?)

因為有天到中環high tea, 但發現很多咖啡的英文也不懂及未試過, 又不敢試... 所以希望大家幫幫忙, 教教我 ^_^ 感謝~

回答 (3)

2008-03-26 8:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案

黑咖啡(black coffee):又稱「清咖啡」,香港俗稱「齋啡」,指用直接用咖啡豆燒製的咖啡,不加奶等會影響咖啡原味的飲用方式。即溶咖啡是不屬於黑咖啡的範圍的。
白咖啡(white coffee):在咖啡中加入牛奶
拿鐵咖啡(Caff latte):蒸汽加壓煮出的濃咖啡加上等量的熱牛奶
摩卡咖啡(Caff Mocha):咖啡中加入巧克力、牛奶和攪拌奶油,有時加入冰塊
歐蕾咖啡(Cafe au lait):法式牛奶咖啡─咖啡加上大量的熱牛奶和糖
美式咖啡(American Coffee / Americano):濃咖啡加上大量熱水。比普通的濃縮咖啡柔和
愛爾蘭咖啡(Irish Coffee):在咖啡中加入威士忌,頂部放上奶油
越南式咖啡(Vietnamese Coffee):將咖啡倒入金屬過濾器,在杯裡放上冰塊及煉乳,讓滴濾之後咖啡直接滴在冰塊上
鴛鴦 (Yuanyang) :咖啡加奶茶,香港獨創。

2008-03-22 9:05 pm
Caffe Latte
A Caffe Latte is a single shot of espresso with steamed milk.

Cafe au Lait
A Cafe au Lait is similar to a Caffe Latte except it is generally made with brewed coffee instead of espresso in a ratio of 1:1 milk to coffee with sugar added to taste.

Cappuccino is traditionally equal parts espresso, steamed milk and frothed milk.

An Americano is a single shot of espresso with 6 to 8 ounces of hot water added.

Hammerhead aka A Shot in the Dark
A hammerhead is a shot of espresso in a coffee cup that is then filled with drip coffee.

This is usually a Cappuccino or a Caffe Latte with chocolate syrup added.

Espresso Con Panna
This is a shot with whipped cream.

Two shots of espresso with the same amount of all other ingredients.

This is a restricted shot. Less water is allowed to come through the coffee grounds but the shot should take the same amount of time as a normal pull. This is approximately a .75 ounce pull.

This is an extra long pull allowing approximately twice as much water through the same amount of coffee as normally used for a single shot.

Cafe Macchiato
Cafe Macchiato is a shot of espresso (served in a small espresso cup) topped off with steamed milk (of a velvety smooth texture) - the ratio of cafe/latte is approximately 80/20.

Cafe Breva
A Cafe Breva is essentially a cappuccino made with half&half instead of whole milk.

A dry cappuccino generally refers to a drink with a small amount of foam and no steamed milk.
2008-03-20 4:06 am
若果你喜歡咖啡, 不防每種都試吓,口味各人唔同

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