香港息率 & 銀行同業折息

2008-03-19 7:36 pm
1. 想問下大家其實銀行同業折息同平時聽到 ge 香港銀行加/減息幾多有咩關係﹖
2. 點解每次香港銀行要加/減息都要先睇下同業折息﹖
3. 依家(08年3月19日早上11:33分)銀行存款息率係0.5%, 咁即係話 US 就算減 0.75%, HK都最多只能減0.5% ???
4. 最優惠利率如果減左 0.5% 就淨低 5.25%, 咁即係話無得再減﹖

回答 (1)

2008-03-20 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 and 2: As most of the banks in Hong Kong need borrow money in the i=INTERBANK MARKET to finance their assets such as mortgage loans, hence, they will condifer the liquidity in interbank market to decide how much they can cut or raise prime rate.

3 I dont think so as saving rate is bottom at zero, but prime rate can cut further if US keep cutting rate in April. But of course the interest rate differential and profit margin will shrink.

4. I think it can be lowered by extra 25bps as you remember, prime had reached 5% in 2003.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:18:22
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