Solubility Product

2008-03-19 3:25 pm
Solve two quentions:

1. Bismuth sulphide (Bi2S3) has a solubility of 1.0x10^-15 mol dm^-3 at 25C. Calculate the Ksp of bismuth sulphide.

2.The solubilty product of silver phosphate, Ag3PO4, is 3.4x10^-14 mol^4 dm^-12 at 298K. Calculate its solubility in mol dm^-3 at 298K.

Thank you

(3x)^3 . x =3.4.10^-4??? it should be (3x)^3*x = 3.4*10^-14 ??

回答 (3)

2008-03-19 5:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Bi2S3 <----->2Bi^3+ +3S^2-
the Ksp=(2.10^-15)^2 x (3.10^-15)^3
=4.10^-30 x 27.10^-45
2. Ag3PO4<-------> 3Ag^+ +PO4^3-
the x be the solubility,
(3x)^3 . x =3.4.10^-4
27x^4= 3.4.10^-4
2008-03-20 1:07 am
yes, you're right.
thank you
2008-03-19 5:47 pm
For Q2:

27x^4 = 3.4 x 10^-14

x^4 = 1.259 x 10^-15

x = 1.884 x 10^-4 mol/dm^3

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