People around the world are calling for china's Olympic boycott..?

2008-03-19 3:25 am
becoz of the killing in tibet... seriously do u think china deserve this or it is tibetian at fault???

回答 (10)

2008-03-19 4:02 am
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A few people call for an Olympic boycott. I don't think this will happen. It would hurt the athlets most.

I would support a boycott of the opening and closing ceremony though.
2008-03-19 3:50 am
One thing about Americans/Europeans is that they tend to think that democracy is the only acceptable government system.

Okay, so Tibet wants to be independent? Very well. What if Virginia suddenly wants to declare independence from the US? It has happened before, and we all know the outcome of the US Civil War.

You can argue that the Tibetans are ethnically different from Chinese, hence they should be independent. Point taken. And I still don't get it. Hong Kong was juggled between Britain and China, and people there really can't care less about who governs them as long as they can get on with their lives. Tibetans can get on with their lives and they're much better off than they were 40 years ago.

If they're going to riot, wreak havoc on shops and cars, then it's bloody well natural for the government to hit back. Any government would. I'm sick and tired of all this "Free Tibet" crap. In fact, I'm sick of ALL the independence crap... Kosovo, Tibet, whatever.

Additionally, as an international citizen with three passports, I think the world needs fewer borders, not more. Enough visas already. I shouldn't need a visa if I want to go to Tibet.

And no, this isn't not going to be chosen for "best answer" but I really don't care. I have a right to express my opinion and the whole frickin' non-Chinese world is dead set against China.
2008-03-19 4:23 am
I do not believe a boycott would solve these problems. The olympics are a celebration of sport, and athletics. Lets not get politics mixed up with this. And anyway, whats happening in Tibet trying to seperate is rather contraversial. In China, Uniting the whole country is very important, and whichever leader can make this happen is hailed a hero. Thats why China will not let its grip on Taiwan or Tibet. China has a good reason to do so, and we should not mix sports with politics. Thats why we shouldn't boybott the olympics, for sudan, for tibet, for whatever.
2008-03-19 6:12 am
Everybody will be in Beijing Olympics, including Chinese Taipei.
2008-03-19 3:34 am
Me personally, I dont like the chinese government and their policy. I have a friend from china and it's ridiculous the restrictions imposed on them.
2008-03-19 11:13 pm
Why don't people boycott US and British goods since US and Britain invaded Iraq 4 years ago?

Such double standards! The atheletes have prepared this game for the past 4 years. No one is dumb enough to call it quits over China's internal issues.
2008-03-19 3:34 am
How can you possibly think that Tibet is at fault? Because they want to be free of Chinese rule and be a self governing people? Makes no sense.
But I doubt that anyone will boycot for the simple fact that there is too much money on the line. Money rules the world.
2008-03-19 6:22 am
condemn those killings,boycott the olympic and don't buy any product made in that country.
2008-03-19 3:33 am
It is China's fault.. Tibet wants to be independent and also China treats it's people like dirt...
2016-10-14 12:12 pm
however if US could boycott the Beijing Olympics is an argument for the U. S. Olympic Committee to choose. and that i don't think of it is of their schedule for communicate. Why could they. They have been on the authentic of the leather-based board final Olympic. It they boycott and pull out, China will extremely occupy the authentic place. i don't think of this might sit down nicely with the accepted US guy or woman. it is only the media and people who think of that the international is only too non violent see the Olympic as an danger for them to create subject by skill of shouting "boycott" withoud understanding or looking after the result.

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