Any info on China's Fashion?

2008-03-19 12:09 am
Ok well I am 11 and doing a report on China's fashion/coustumes (im not Jess just to let u know) I just need some sites with info and maybe a few sites for pictures =]
Thanks! (:

Btw i need the 5 W's (Who/what/where/when/why)

回答 (2)

2008-03-19 8:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-03-19 11:08 am
It would help whether you're looking for info on...

Modern fashions,
or traditional costumes.

Unlike some countries (e.g. India), fashion and costumes are completely DIFFERENT in China. Fashion is generally "western-style" clothes based on pop culture idols, brand names appealing to youth, etc. Costumes are traditional, conservative styles.

Please clarify your question (delete this one and post a new question, I'd say) and then we can answer it.

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