Which mobile network in Hong Kong is the best? (price, reception, IDD calls, etc.)?

2008-03-18 3:22 pm
Hello, this summer I'll be staying with relatives in Hong Kong. I'm wondering which mobile network is the best? I've done a bit of research but self-promoting websites don't tell the whole story, do they? ~.^

Okay, so here are my details/criteria:
1. I'm probably going for a prepaid SIM because I'll only be in HK for 3 months.
2. I'll probably be making more IDD calls than local calls. So... cheap rates to Taiwan and the UK please.
3. That said, cheap local rates are a plus.
4. And finally, information on reception/quality would be nice.

Which network is most popular amongst Hong Kongers who call overseas a lot? My businessman uncle recommends 1010 but I believe that's the most expensive!!

Thanks a lot ^^

回答 (2)

2008-03-18 10:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
參考: I used it when I was visiting Hong Kong
2008-03-20 12:12 am
i would suggest smartone-vodaphone, it was the network i used while i was staying there. their prepaid cards are available in a lot of places and they have good network coverage. for international calls, you can use a different phone card other than the prepaid from smartone. different cards give out different rates for different countries. ask around at the big shopping area in central on des voeux road (i forget the name). there are lots of vendors on the second floor.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 13:33:54
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