英文高手入一入黎(copied from bbc )

2008-03-19 5:58 am
" Living within the planet's means need not condemn us to giving up what we now assume we need for a full life, just to sharing it."

means 後可以跟need not..?

個"just to sharing it " 係跟邊個pronoun/ noun..?

回答 (3)

2008-03-19 4:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
「Living within the planet's means」是一個 noun phrase,意思是「靠著地球資源生活」,在此「means」是 noun ,意思是「財產、資力、收入」。(參考 http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/search.html?q=1&s=means)

http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/search.html?q=1&s=condemn「condemn someone to something」是「使 someone 注定要 something」。例如「This disease condemns him to death.」,請留意「to」之後是跟 noun 。(參考 http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/search.html?q=1&s=condemn)

「just to sharing it」是跟「condemn to」,這句子可以拆成「Living within the planet's means need not condemn us to giving up what we now assume we need for a full life. Living within the planet's means just condemn us to sharing what we now assume we need for a full life.」

2008-03-19 7:43 am
佢呢一個means 唔係一個verb 係 noun, 係解一個方法, 渠道 , 所以係可以跟need not

just to sharing it - sharing it; 喺呢個case 係noun

因為to 呢個字係呢個case 係一個preposition, 所以to 後面係noun 或姐係-ing , 而唔係好似infinitive, gerunds 咁加一個plain verb

另外一 d example: looking forward to SEEING YOUR REPLY

佢 seeing your reply 係變左一個noun

好多verb 加左-ing 之後係可以consider 做一個noun,

e.g. :
my driving sucks
my thinking is wrong
talking is prohibited

另外一個會用到to -ing 係 used to

e.g. I'm used to (drinking a lot of beer)
I'm used to ( the environment ) --- environment 係noun

2008-03-19 7:28 am
'means' here means resources. its a noun.
" need not '' can never follow a verb.
think " to sharing it" = ''to giving up ...''
hope it helps.

2008-03-18 23:30:15 補充:
MEANS here means resources. its a noun.
NEED NOT can never follow a verb.
hope it helps.

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