Fill in the blanks. You may use them more than once.
( from , in , with , for , to , at , out )
On night Betty's parents went out __(a)__ dinner. Betty stayed __(b)__ home and did her homework. Suddenly all the lights __(c)__the room went__(d)__. Then Betty saw a strange thing__(e)__long purple hair floating__(f)__the air by the window. It had a treeible face but it spoke in a soft gentle voice. 'Betty, 'it said.'I have come __(g)__space. I am very interested__(h)__making friends__(i)__the people on earth.'
( into , of , in , upon , up , on , out )
Once __(a)__a time, a number __(b)__mice lived under a house. They came __(c)__ of their holes__(d)__the middle of the night, went__(e)__the kitchen and ate __(f)__ all the food.