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健身的人,停止唔操練會易肥?點解? Most of the athletes have their intense training program to burn their body fat, even with the high calorie diet, most of the athletes keep low body fat. So, once they retire or stop the intense training, they will gain some body fat.
我自己的見解是當一個滿有肌肉的人,一但停止做帶氧運動,就會積聚脂肪,脂肪加埋大大的肌肉,比一般沒有健身的人,即有同等的脂肪比率,有健身的人看起來會比較肥,是這樣嗎?? In theory, yes, they will look more heavy or bulky, but everyone is different, so it depends on how big the muscles are, their diet and their body fat. Also, when you not working hard your muscle, your muscle mass will decrease. I have several friends that had health issues and had to stop workouts for several months, they gain a little bit fat, the muscle not that tight, but overall they are still looking very good.