咩係simple present 同 simple present continuous

2008-03-18 10:31 pm
simple present 係5係+s

simple present continuous 係5係+ing

回答 (3)

2008-03-18 10:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Simple Present Tense 係以下:
1. 係一個習慣habit 和事實
e.g 習慣 Tom always brushes(brush) his teeth everyday (即Tom每天都要刷牙)
事實 The Sun rises (rise) in the east (太陽由東邊升起)
***** 經常在句字見到的提示字眼有以下
always, sometimes, usually, in the moment, in present, everyday, every ____(week/times/every sunday )

Simple Present Continuing
當日突然之間發生, 例如有 !!
e.g Look !! The car is coming (come) now (請看, 車子正在來了)
Now, look !!, suddenly (突然之間)
2008-03-18 11:07 pm
simple present
係指現在式,即係唔係發生係過去既,一般係現在發生且時間較長既~事實呀果d都係. 見到i, you ,we, they果d後面跟果個動詞就用原式(不用+S), 而he, she, it / 人名果d後面既動詞就要 + s/ es了.

simple present continuous
係指現在正進行緊, 一般維持都唔會好耐~好似"睇下", "跑緊"...果d...一般句句子有進行時態表現左既,果句既動詞就要is/am/are + 動詞ing了.
參考: me
2008-03-18 10:52 pm
Use of Simple Present Tense

Facts and generalization
Habits and routines
Permanent situations
State verbs (e.g. be, have, think, know) more
Fixed/ official arragement that we can't change
Note: Apart from all the above uses, this tense is also used in :
- Zero Conditional- If it rains, I go play football.

- First Conditional - We won't get our pocket money, if we don't pass this exam.

We use the Present Continuous (Progressive) tense when talking about actions that are happening at the moment (present or temporary activity) or which will be done in the future (future arrangement).
In order to form a sentence it this tense, you have to know the following :

the proper conjugation of the auxiliary verb to be.


1st person
I am
We are

2nd person
You are
You are

3rd person
He/she/it is
They are

the "-ing" form of a verb (Present participle)

How do you create it?

try + ing = trying

go +ing = going
Simple? Unfortunately there are some exceptions, such as:

- doubled letter
In these examples we can see that one of the letters is doubled.

swim + ing = swimming

run + ing = running

get + ing = getting

- e removed
if a verb ends with -e, it loses the last letter before adding the -ing suffix.

write + ing = writing

move + ing = moving


Present or temporary activities
Future (personal) arrangements

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