
2008-03-18 8:25 pm
1.Find 3 website that is about energy and have to be easy to read(I am P6)
2.Find these word chiense and english meaning:
a)kinetic energy
b)potential energy


回答 (1)

2008-03-18 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. I cannot find.
kinetic energy- 動能- When an object is moving, it has kinetic energy.
eg. a running horse, a flying plane...

potential energy-勢能- It is a form of stored energy. An object in a stretched(伸展) or compressed(壓縮) state may have potential energy.
eg. a stretched bowstring(弓弦), a compressed spring(彈簧)

Others: Heat energy(熱能)
Light energy(光能)
Sound energy(聲能)
Electrical energy(電能)
Chemical energy(化學能)
Nuclear energy(核能)

Sorry for number1, i am too busy to find, hope this can help you la! ^.^
參考: My science textbook

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