Linear programming

2008-03-18 9:33 am
Becky has just started bartender training and has learned to mix just two drinks(A & B) with similar formula. these two drinks usr varying amounts of gin, sugar, and mix according to Fig and only a limited amount is available. Becky needs to determine how many of each drink she should make to maximize the profit.
A B Available
Gin 2(oz) 6(oz) 3600(oz)
Sugar 2(tsp) 1(tsp) 1200(teaspoon)
Mix 1(bottle) 1(bottle) 800(bottles)

Profit $1.50 $1.00

use spreadsheet solver to solve this problem.

如果用 linear equation, 點樣求 A & B ?
many thanks for the response....

thanks for the reponse 但我用 excel solver 做,DECEISIONS A = 400 B = 400 MAX. PROFIT = 1,000 MAX PROFIT $1.50 $1.00 $1,000 DECISIONS 400(A) 400(B) 請問點解會咁? 謝謝回答

回答 (2)

2008-03-18 10:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
好經典的linear programming題目。


2008-03-19 14:33:55 補充:
我冇excel solver,係咪要裝架?

2008-03-20 17:10:34 補充:
Thanks myisland8132,我真的看不到。

2008-03-22 20:42:02 補充:
參考: 從不抄襲。
2008-03-20 5:49 am
因為andrew用少了一條constraint Mix 1(bottle) 1(bottle) 800(bottles)

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