fitness people only?

2008-03-17 4:47 pm
alright im 16 years old 5`2 and 121 lbs i do no sports so im basically pure body fat which is really bad. i wouldnt normally care but iv been getting bigger from the petit form iv always had and i dont want to be big. also i im pretty flabby around the stomach and thigh area.i dont really care what my weight is as long as im toned and healthy . my mom got me a gym membership but i have no idea where to start. can anybody point me in the right direction?

回答 (6)

2008-03-17 5:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You should do cardio excersizes and (if you want to lose weight) then eat less calories a day and drink at least 4 pints of water.

Do at least 4 hours cardio a week and when youve lost the weight you can tone up, do low weight but lots of reps so you dont get really muscular just nice and toned

listening to fast music while your working out helps speed the whole process of excersizing up.
2008-03-18 12:05 am
If you want to get rid of flab, here's the four things you should concentrate on:

1. WALKING -- It burns fat almost exclusively and doesn't have the same joint-jarring problems you get with jogging. You can also walk as much as you want without having to worry about burning muscle. Best part is you don't have to go to the gym to walk -- you can do it just about anywhere.

2. STRENGTH TRAINING -- Go to the gym and ask one of the trainers to show you "the circuit." It's a group of weight machines that you do, moving quickly from one to another with little or no rest. When you do the circuit, use just enough weight so you just start to "feel the burn" after 12-15 repetitions (so you'll be lifting light). Be sure to lift carefully and with proper form -- 2 seconds to raise and 2 seconds to lower the weight is good. Start off doing the circuit twice if you can, then work your way up to doing the circuit 3 times. This will help you tone up without building large amounts of muscle bulk.

3. CARDIO -- Good for fat-burning and endurance, but be warned: Don't do cardio for more than 40 minutes at a time. If you do, you risk burning muscle instead of fat. Low-impact cardio like swimming or aerobics is best.

4. CORE STRENGTH TRAINING -- Your midsection will make you or break you. Having a strong core will make your abs look great and will help to prevent a host of injuries. Make sure you do exercises that work your upper abs, lower abs, obliques, and back. Standard crunches only work your upper abs, so you'll have to do other exercises. Here's a list of other exercises you can do (Google them and you'll find websites with videos that'll show you how to do each exercise properly):

-- Toe touch
-- Knee raise
-- Pulse-Up
-- Seated Ab Crunch
-- Flutter kick
-- Oblique V-Up
-- Saxon side bend
-- Speed rotation
-- Two-handed wood chop
-- Cable lawnmower pull-start
-- Side jackknife
-- Bridge
-- Side bridge
-- Towel/Barbell Roll
-- Superman
-- Back extension
-- Swimmer's backstroke

Good luck!
2008-03-17 11:56 pm
My suggestion would be to speak to a personal trainer - they can fully assess you and devise a proper work out plan for you.

If you don't want to see a trainer, I'd suggest cardio first. Get on to a cross-trainer, input your weight, set the level (there should be some resistance but not so much you are hurting yourself) and off you go.

Running is the top sport for all over fat loss, either start on a treadmill but I prefer running outside on grass and getting some fresh air. Start off with a mix of slow running and walking, then over time reduce the walking, increase the running time and speed up a little until you can run non-stop for 40 minutes.

Once you've started to burn fat, then start doing some weights to define those muscles. Again, get advice from gym instructors on this as you can so easily wrench something and end up in huge amounts of pain.

Its best to exercise first thing if you want to burn fat although I have more energy to workout for longer in the evening (although then 20minutes is spent just burning off the sugars in your blood before fat loss kicks in).

Work out at least 3 times a week, eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg instead of processed foods and you'll see a difference in a month.
2008-03-17 11:56 pm
Buy the magazine Oxygen..great articles for Women and working out
2008-03-17 11:55 pm
You may want to hire a personal trainer for the first week or two to show you how to use all the machines and the weights in the gym. Some gyms offer free personal training while others charge you a fee for it. Or you can learn from other members by watching them do it.
2008-03-17 11:54 pm
you should aim to get to the gym about four times a week, for about an hour each time.

start off with ten minutes fast, up hill walking on the treadmill, and then when your muscles are nice and warm move onto ten minutes running (on the flat!) at whatever pace it is you can maintain.

follow it with lots of muscle work. try out some of the machines for working all your different muscle groups. do three sets of twelve reps on each machine, and make sure you get a good variety. you should take around half an hour on this.

finish off with another ten minutes cardio: more running or some cycling, whatever you feel like.

then stretch, and hit the shower!

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