英文 Tenses 問題

2008-03-18 6:22 am
Guanacos are part of the camel family but they do not have the humps that we have come to associate with camels. They are generally thought to be the wild ancestor of the Liama which was domesticated almost 5,000 years ago.
1) 點解我答 come 係錯? have come 係咩 tenses? 我點知幾時用呢種 tenses?
2) 點解我答 think 係錯? 點解無啦啦要用past tense? 係咪因為後面係 to be?
3) 點解我答 was domesticated 係錯? was domesticated 係咩 tenses? 我點知幾時用呢種 tenses?
請各位指點下, 我就嚟比d Tenses攪到想死!

回答 (1)

2008-03-18 7:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
d Tenses攪到想死係正常人的反應,只要跟其規律便可.

1. have come 係 present perfect tense (現在分詞式),其用法是:
~ 剛剛做完,如 I have already done my homework. She has just eaten an egg.
~已做了一段時間,現在仍在做, 如: I have lived in Hong Kong for ten years. She has lived in Kwoloon since 1998.
~式樣是: have/has + past participle(p.p.); he, she, it 要用has,其他人用 have; p.p.是動詞其中的一種式,如 eaten,done,taken,drunk,broken......
~提示字眼: already,just,for, since,yet...

2.They are generally thought = 他們被認為是..... ; 這是present tense(現在式)中的被動式,不是過去式;
~present tense中被動式的樣式: is/am/are + p.p. 如: An apple is eaten by me. The water is drunk by him. Mice are caught by cats.

3.was domesticated 係 past tense(過去式)中的被動式;
~past tense中被動式的樣式: was/were + p.p. 如: A kite was flown by them yesterday. The cakes were eaten by me last week.


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