求Half-Life2 指令

2008-03-18 6:00 am
求Half-Life2 指令...><

回答 (1)

2008-03-18 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cheat Effect
God God Mode (Server side only)
buddha Health never goes below 1
Hurtme # Damages player by whatever variable you input as #
impulse 101 All Weapons
impulse 82 Spawn a Jeep
notarget Invisible to NPC&#39;s
noclip Ability to walk through walls (Server Side Only)
maps Displays Map listing
Map # Load Map (Input title in place of #)
Developer # Sets developer mode to on/off/verbose (0-off, 1-on, 2-verbose)
+mlook Enables mouse look
give # Give weapon (Input weapon name in place of #)
hud_quickhelp/text? 1 Shows Crosshairs
viewmodel_fov # Adjusts size of the weapon you&#39;re carrying (54 = default)
exec # Execute a script file (Input filename in place of #)
cl_drawhud 1 Toggle HUD display On
cl_enablehud 1 Toggle HUD display On
cl_showfps 1 Shows FPS Rate
npc_create Creates an NPC
npc_create_aimed Creates an NPC (Aiming away from player)

2008-03-17 22:16:18 補充:
picker Toggles Picker mode on
setpos Move player to specified origin
setang Snap players eyes to a specified pitch yaw
sv_gravity # Set Gravity (Add number in place of #)

2008-03-17 22:16:53 補充:
sv_stopspeed # Set Minimum Stopping Speed on ground (Add number in place of #)
sv_friction # Set World Friction (Add number in place of #)
sv_bounce # Sets bounce multiplier for physically simulated object collisions

2008-03-17 22:17:11 補充:
sv_waterdist # Set Vertical View when eyes are near water plane.
air_density # Change the density of air. (Add number in place of #)
dsp_explosion_effect_duration # Set length of confusion/ear-ringing effect(Add number in place of #)

2008-03-17 22:17:24 補充:
sv_soundemitter_filecheck Toggle reporting missing .wav files for sounds
mat_numtextureunits # Limit the number of texture units. (Add number in place of #) (0=Default)
sv_cheats 1 Activates Cheats
impulse 76 Grunt-O-Matic

2008-03-17 22:19:33 補充:


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