My combination _ Need Urgent comment

2008-03-18 4:36 am
I bought below stocks at high price. What should i do right now? hold them ? or should any of stocks below should sell now? Urgent need comment from all of you ...HELP ...ALL DRops crazy.

0001: at 127
0011: at 137
941 at 135
0016 at 153
388 at 179
330 at 92
0005 at 140

NOted your comment. But sounds like everyone is saying the market is getting worse & HSI will go down to 19000 ... Yes , i can hold for one year...sometimes i canot flight with my heart with the stock market so unstable so far. Wonder which stock should be sell out first.

回答 (2)

2008-03-18 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
All of the stocks you hold are hi-quality and highly profitable blue chips with strong fundamentals and resilience. They are the pillars of the HK stock market. So why do you have to worry? Just hold on to them for 1 year or longer, and you will see that they are the stocks who recover first. Your patience will pay.
參考: Myself
2008-03-22 6:49 pm
For long term investment, you don't need to worry about short term fluctuation. Of course, you can always take reference to others portfolio to adjust your holdings. e.g.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 22:44:31
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