English Grammar In Use 15mark

2008-03-18 2:10 am
我依家讀緊中二 我既英文唔係咁好,所以想買d 書來improve 我既英文
唔知English Grammar In Use 合唔合我用呢

回答 (2)

2008-03-20 9:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
想好 Grammar,千祈唔好0念住"錫"住本Grammar書,

我既心態係,做完一次就掉左佢。呢d 書你唔會做2次的,
要check grammar usage,不如買本 Oxford Practical English Grammar.

我以前就係成日0念會遲d 用返,點知就下唔到決心做...
英文底差既,就由Elementary Grammar 做既 (我就係咁)

Macmillan - Language Practice with Key (Grammar and Vocabulary)
我由 Elementary 到 Advanced 都有,而家狂做 Elementary 中....
Elementary 好易做的,我英文有少少底,一日做 1x 個 chapter 都可以....


一個人一生,起碼最少要做完 Elementary/Intermediate Grammar ,唔係

有人話 Cambridge 既 English Grammar in Use 都唔錯,不過我嫌佢無一次過教埋Vocabulary,所以買左 Macmillan - Language Practice with Key (Grammar and Vocabulary),做,你自己考慮下...

參考: 個人,25歲大學畢業後先用功學English....
2008-03-18 2:20 am
Essential English Grammar By Philip Gucker
total page 117.

This English grammar has been specifically designed for the reader with limited learning time, who wishes to gain command of the important points of grammar needed for everyday speech and comprehension, yet does not wish to be unnecessarily burdened with archaic, highly literary, or seldom used forms. Summarizing all the major constructions, principles, and basic terminology, this book will provide the reader with a firm foundation in essential English grammar, whether English is his native tongue or a second language.

As for how much you may have to check with the bookshop, sometime they may have discount...
參考: google.

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