Please help to translate to English, thanks.

2008-03-18 12:45 am
另外,根據Volvo是次研發的your concept car是特別target了professional woman, 但我認為如果深入一些去想, 那些成為了有消費力專業女性, 大部分都是有一定的年紀(三十至四十歲左右), 絕對不會是那些青春少女, 而那個range的年齡女性亦大多已經有家庭,或準備組織家庭, 所以我會隨著這個方向去設計一架同時可配合家庭式的汽車。特別是對孕婦和小孩子的需要也會顧及到,例如baby sit等,令消費者認為即使將來有更多的家庭成員,這架車亦非常之合適。

至於promotion方面, 等到汽車可以正式銷售時, 我會考慮聯同某大化妝公司品牌舉辦展銷會, 例如到場的女仕可免費贈化妝禮品,此舉可能對銷售汽車幫助不大,但卻可以標榜這個新product是focus on女性的, 令女性感受到這是為她們而設的汽車。而且,亦可以吸引女性到場, 增加推廣的機會。同時,亦會找來一些時髦的女性作為promoter, 讓顧客感受到我們是很明白她們的需要的。

回答 (1)

2008-03-22 9:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Besides, Volvo’s ‘Your Concept Car’ was specially designed for professional women. But when I considered further, I found that those professional women with spending power were at the age between 30 and 40 instead of young girls. The women within this range mostly had a family or prepared to build up their family. Therefore I would follow the direction to design a car which would be suitable for family use, especially to meet with an expectant mother and child’s requirement, like a baby sit, etc. It would assure the customers that the car would be good for them even if they had new members in their family.

Regarding the promotion, I would consider holding a joint trade fair with one of the leading cosmetics companies after the car was ready for sale. In the trade fair, we might give out free cosmetic samples to ladies on spot. Although it might not have great assistance in pushing the sales of car, it would give our visitors the impression that our car was designed exclusively for ladies. More women would be attracted and thus the promotion chance would be increased. At the same time, I would hire some fashionable women to be promoters, who would fully understand our customers’ needs.

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