how to minimize challenges by IRD

2008-03-17 10:52 pm
Mr.A annual salary and bonus amounted to HKD650,000 in X limited and he owned the lived in his flat, and aftr he joined X limited, he designated $25,000 of his monthly pay as rental payment.

Ways in minimizing challenges by IRD against the housing arrangement

what is major difference of rent free accomodation Vs Housing Allowance? Is only 10% rental value apply in Housing Allowance?

回答 (1)

2008-03-18 12:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
If the company provide the flat to staff, the tax will count 10% of total income, mean HK$650,000 x 10% = 65,000.

The most important is that are the X limited willing to pay HK$25,000 to Mr. A?

If yes, he will received HK$300,000. It have favour of Mr. A. So he can done that, if just he designated, then meaning nothing.

If you have question or need help, pleases email to us, [email protected]

Best regards,

Samson So

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