有咩natural mixture唔洗經過seperation就用得

2008-03-17 6:56 pm
details of an Australian natural resource which is a mixture and which is used without seperation
‧state 1 Aus resouce which is a mixture
‧describe the component of the mixture
‧state the use of the mixture in the industry

回答 (1)

2008-03-23 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Air can be found nearly everywhere in Australian and it is surely a natural resource. It is a mixture as it has component like nitrogrn, oxygen, carbon dioxide, watwe vapour, nitrogen dioxide, ozone......
Air is extremely important is the industry, it can be used as a coolant, for cooling down a series of industrial products, like pastic products. When using a fire, oxygen is necessery, therefore air is extremely important in industry using fire like an iron studio.

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