Should people have the right to choose when to die?

2008-03-17 12:06 pm
Should people have the right to choose when to die?
IF: yes, why?\//// IF NO,, WHY?!

please help me thnxx

回答 (1)

2008-03-17 12:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The debate about people being able to control the length of their lives has been fairly lengthy primarily because it involves many other aspects such as morals, religions, legal and many more. After cutting out the red tape, I personally agree that a person of clear conscious should be end his or her own life under certain conditions such as incurable diseases of prolonged pain or unrecoverable disabilities so serious that brings hardship and pain onto the person. As long as the person is medically and legally aware of his or her action, then I do not see why the society has the right to continue to have that person suffer. The case is different when the person is in a coma or mentally unable to make the appropriate decision, then putting an end to that person’s life would not be legitimate. Therefore, a list of criteria must be met before the person may choose to end his own life. This includes a medical report stating that the person is conscious and aware of his options, a lawyer to witness the patient’s decision and maybe a simple assessment of whether the person is under duress or intimidation.
However there are many issues that may complicate the process. For example, if people were allowed to choose their own death, knowing that they were suffering from incurable diseases, how would insurance companies deal with their death? Obviously suicides are not covered under the majority of insurances. Or how would the authorities justify incurable versus the curable? There would be a massive change in many related areas as death is always easier on the dead than those alive.
參考: Didnt really know what you were looking for, so I just randomly blurbed away~

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:18:12
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