下年決定去美國讀Central Florida C.C, 請幫忙解答以下疑難, pls:
1. is Central Florida C.C a good choice in Florida(since my relative live in fl)? any other better CC in Fl?
2. the total tuition fee is US$17336, is it resonable for studying CC?
3. my ideal major is business management or marketing in U, can i transfer to U which is good at this field? any good business school (university) in Florida? how about University of Florida?
4. if no(Q3), can i transfer to other famous U (UCLA, U of texas, U of washington )? pls recommend some to me^^
5. if i take the PBT toefl which is held by an agency, is it useful for skipping the extra eng classes in CC? how can i skip eng classes??or can i take those classes in summer holiday for saving time?
6. how about the placement test? is it difficult for me? how can i prepare it ?
Actually, i am worried about transfering to U after 2 yr, how many GPA (estimate pls) i can get in CC? if i got 3.5 or above, which bus school (U) i can get in??
There are too many questions~ Thankyou very much!!!
tuition is us$17336 per year including living in dormitory!! ***7. what is the different between unit & quarter & semester??