the heat capacity of glass--15points

2008-03-17 1:37 am
How can I measure the heat capacity of glass??

plz help me...

回答 (1)

2008-03-17 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Immerse the glass in a beaker containg water with known temperture (θ1 )

2. And then immerse the glass with temperture (θ1) in a beaker containg hot water with known temperture and mass (θ2 and M )

3. after one minutes, measure the temperture of the water (θ3)

Let the heat capacity of glass be C and the specific heat capacity of water is c,

Energy of water and energy of glass initially = Energy of water and energy of glass finally

M c θ2 + C θ1 = M c θ3 + C θ3

Then, C can be calculated

2008-03-20 10:26:15 補充:
heat capacity 同 specific heat capacity 係唔同的

前者是 每一公斤和每一K的所改變能量
是 m c (dT) 中的 c

後者是 每一K的所改變能量
是 m c (dT) 中的 m c

K: 溫度單位
參考: , m

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