(急問)20分點解石墨m.p高過鑽石m.p ?盡量係今日答到我@_@聽日測驗

2008-03-17 1:07 am
點解石墨m.p高過鑽石m.p ?

我中4 only = . = 可唔可以用英文 中文睇唔明 \囧/

回答 (2)

2008-03-17 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
若果你考 CE,這問題可以不理,因為太深。

若果你考 AL,答案如下:
在鑽石的晶格中,每個碳原子有四個最外層價電子(sp3 離化),與其他四個碳原子形成四個 C-C 單鍵。
在石墨的晶格中,碳原子以原子層形式排列。每個碳原子的四個最外層價電子中,其中三個價電子(sp2 雜化)與其他三個碳原子形成三個 C-C 鍵,另有一個電子(2p)沒有成鍵。這個不成鍵的電子在原子層的上下離域,使 C-C 鍵具有部份雙鍵性質(鍵次介乎 1 與 2 之間)。
C-C 共價鍵具向性。無論是鑽石或石墨熔化時,大部份的 C-C 共價鍵斷裂。石墨的 C-C 共價鍵具雙鍵性質,而且由於離域電子令結構具離域能,但鑽石的 C-C 鍵是單鍵。因此,石墨的熔點較鑽石高。

2008-03-16 22:45:12 補充:
If you are an S.4/5 student, forget this question because it is too difficult.

If you are an S.6/7 student, the answer should be as follows:
In the lattice of diamond, each C atom has 4 valence electrons (sp3 hybridized), which form 4 C-C single bonds. ....

2008-03-16 22:46:12 補充:
....In the lattice of graphite, the C atoms are arranged in layers. Among the 4 valence electrons in each C atom, 3 of them (sp2 hybridized) form 3 C-C bonds with other 3 C atoms, and the rest electron is unbonded (2p). ....

2008-03-16 22:47:24 補充:
....The unbonded electrons are delocalized over and below the atom layers, and this makes the C-C bonds have partial double bond character (the bond order is between 1 and 2).....

2008-03-16 22:47:33 補充:
.... C-C covalent bonds are directional. No matter it is diamond or graphite, most of C-C covalent bonds are broken. C-C bonds in graphite have partial double bond character, but C-C bonds in diamond are single bonds. Therefore, graphite has a higher melting point....
2016-01-27 4:54 am




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