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1) 片語Phrase︰
二個以上的單字組成,不含主詞,來表達出一完整的觀念,並擔任某一詞類的任務 時,這一群字稱為片語。 片語有︰
<1> 以構造分類︰
{1} 名詞片語 ︰ 1. The Republic of China 2. the legs of the table
{2} 動詞片語 : 1. is surprised at 2. look after
{3} 不定詞片語: 1. to do it
{4} 分詞片語 : 1. lying on the grass 2. born in Taipei
{5} 動名詞片語: 1. speaking ill of others
{6} 介系詞片語: 1. in the classroom
片語介詞Preposition Phrase是整個片語當介系詞用,如同一個介系詞。如:in front of 介詞片語Prepositional Phrase是由介系詞引導出一個片語,可能當名詞、或形容詞、或副詞用。如:in the morning
<2> 以作用分類︰
{1} 名詞片語
1. To speak English well is not easy.
2. I am fond of watching TV.
3. I don't know what to do.
4. From eight to ten is my busiest time.
5. A rabbit rushed out from under the tree.
{2} 代名詞片語
1. They loved each other very much.
{3} 動詞片語
1. Don't make fun of an old man.
{4} 形容詞片語
1. He is a man of ability.
2. The boy waiting for me is my brother.
3. He is not a man to tell a lie.
4. This is the man killed by a robber.
{5} 副詞片語
1. She treated him with kindness.
2. I am sorry to give you trouble.
3. To tell the truth, I don't know at all.
{6} 介系詞片語
1. A big tree is in front of my house.
2. Instead of studying, he is playing.
{7} 連接詞片語
1. As soon as I get there, I will write to you.
2. He talks as if he knew everything.
{8} 感嘆詞片語 1. My goodness, I forgot it.
2)片語是一組不含主詞和動詞的相關字, 英文有數種不同的片語, 名詞片語, 介系詞片語, 同位格片語, 獨立片語 (獨立分詞片語), 不定詞片語, 動名詞片語, 分詞片語. 這些在做補充說明或是表達語意上有更大的發展空間.
2008-03-27 21:43:37 補充: