2008-03-16 10:47 pm
I am going to start school at DGS F.1 in the coming Sept. and I would like to know more about DGS. Please answe the following questions. Thanks!
1. When school starts and ends?
2. Does DGS offer scholarship for people who get good grades?
3. How many people 爭一個位?
4. What books do they use?
6. Does the teachers teach well?
7. How do they divide the students into different houses?
8. Which class is the best?

thank you!

回答 (5)

2008-04-28 3:56 am
Bethany!! emilia ar
nei dap duck ho ho ar >3<
totally agree w/ u.
2008-03-31 11:24 pm
Thank you for all your comments, it is really hard to decide which had the best answer!
2008-03-24 8:05 pm
1. here&#39;s the schedule, but there might be changes
8:10- 8:15 roll call
8:15- 8:30 assembly
8:30- 9:20 1st lesson
9:20-10:10 2nd lesson
10:10-10:55 3rd lesson
10:-55-11:15 break
11:15-12:05 4th lesson
12:05-12:55 5th lesson
12:55-14:00 lunch
14:00-14:50 6th lesson
14:50-15:40 7th lesson

2. No they don&#39;t, but we do get a cheaper price in training fees, if we are training in the name of DGS

3. I think it&#39;s something like 3/位 (sorry, but I have no idea how to present the 位)

4. if there&#39;s no changes, you should be using bridge to terabithia and also enchanted island for english

6. most teachers do teach well

7. for girls in DGJS, they were sorted 6 years ago, and for new girls, I think they are ramdomly sorted into different houses
Symons (the &quot;pink&quot; house)
Gibbins (the &quot;yellow&quot; house)
Sawyer (the &quot;green&quot; house)
Hurrel (the &quot;red&quot; house)
Skipton (the &quot;blue&quot; house)
Trivia: Most DGJS girls are able to guess who&#39;s in which house, by just looking at that person&#39;s face

8. There&#39;s 5 classes, UWXYZ, and from the best to the worst it&#39;s UWYXZ, and there&#39;s 7 sets, ABCDEFG, ABCD are for girls in UWX, while EFG are for girls in class YZ, AB=E, C=F, D=G, set B and E chinese are taught in Mandarin, and to us, the chinese set B = chinese set A, you will get to 升set or 跌set if the teacher feels that there&#39;s a need to, so keep it up. Also, there&#39;s an opputunity to 升班 or worse, &#39;淋&#39;班 (these are only some kind of language we use, I hope you do understand them). This year there would be an extra class named 1D, according to the eClass, our school web for students and staff.

For your information, our headmistress, Mrs. S. Lau, is very keen on puntuality, so I would advise you all to be on time, especially your timing on going for assembly, I wouldn&#39;t want to see you all strolling in after she had reached the stage.
參考: Myself
2008-03-23 9:43 pm
i&#39;m a f.3 student
1. When school starts and ends?
8.10 to 3.40pm
2. Does DGS offer scholarship for people who get good grades?
3. How many people 爭一個位?
it depends on how many applicants there are
4. What books do they use?
6. Does the teachers teach well?
7. How do they divide the students into different houses?
yes, and they are gibbins , symons, skipton, hurrell, and sawyer
8. Which class is the best?
U for f.1-3 and Sci/U for f.4-7
參考: myself
2008-03-19 8:57 pm
I am currently studying in DGS (Form 1)

1. When school starts and ends?

8:10 a.m.(obviously...) roll call
3:40 p.m. school ends

but sometimes, of there are any special events, the timetable is different

2. Does DGS offer scholarship for people who get good grades?

Yes, there are different kinds of scholarship

3. How many people 爭一個位?
um... not sure...
I am from Junior school...

4. What books do they use?

um... The school will give you a book list...
but you do not need to buy the Collins Dictionary...

6. Does the teachers teach well?

some teachers are ok la....
but some are QUITE boring...(no offence!!!)

7. How do they divide the students into different houses?

well, randomly...
I am Skipton~

8. Which class is the best?

1U, 1W, 1Y, 1X, 1Z
in Eng, Chin , Math, they will divide you into different sets (A to G)

A is the best, then is B,E,C,F,D,G

2008-07-04 23:00:07 補充:
totally agree with 冰雪之劍影
I mean the point that JS girl can tell who's in which house only by looking at their face...
Skipton: not really good at sports...好斯文
Sawyer: 好好人 + 性格開朗 好玩得
Symons: girly... cute... er 斯文斯文
Gibbins: 好勁on academic results 好叻
Hurrel: 超SPORTY

並冇科學根據... >w
參考: myself

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