
2008-03-16 9:09 am
he helps and teaches me.
and 後面個verb駛唔駛加s

回答 (3)

2008-03-16 5:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實"He helps and teaches me."E一句係5岩+

第三者(he,she,it)果verb係要加 s/es
但teaches係5應該加"es",應該加"s" (teachs)

因為"es"係比你加落一D verb 果最後果 letter 係 "a,e,i,o,u"

For example:

She learns alot.
"learn" 果最後果 letter 5係 "a,e,i,o,u"所以係加"s"

He goes to the park.
"go"果最後果 letter 係 "a,e,i,o,u"其中一果所以係加"es"

I hope these can help you~
參考: myself (U.S.A 7 garde student~)^^
2008-03-16 9:31 am
梗係要加 s 啦,因都係一個 he 做嘅嘢.
2008-03-16 9:17 am
and 後面個verb駛唔駛加s, 係要的逢第三者verb都一定要加s的.

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