
2008-03-16 4:44 am
What do you learn about the human relationship from this movie??

回答 (1)

2008-03-18 12:50 am
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From Spiderman 3, a very important thing we can find in human relationship is that hatred only causes more troubles among one another and makes things more complicated. Only forgiveness is the right thing to choose, or when we hate others more, we will even lose ourselves. Human nature seems to take revenge for granted when knowing someone has done something very wrong against him/her, and that feelings might become a force to drive that person to have an exceptional power.

It seems that we have to right to take the philosophy "an eye for an eye". However, that kind of thinking is destructive, may cause more troubles to come. So we must stay away from hatred and revenge, only seek positive powers like love, forgiveness, mutual understanding, and courage. Only that makes someone a real hero. With great but "dark" power and have no love, one becomes a "monster" only.

2008-03-17 16:52:17 補充:
t seems that we have THE right to ...
參考: some personal feelings about the movie

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