proof of inequalities-- urgent (20 points)

2008-03-15 10:38 pm
1. Prove the following inequality when a>0 and b>0. Then state the conditions for which the LHS equals the RHS.
(a+b)(1/a + 1/b ) >= 4

回答 (2)

2008-03-15 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As follows~~~
As follows~~~


參考: Myself~~~
2008-03-15 11:07 pm
By Cauchy-Schwarz;s Inequality
(A+B)(1/A+1/B)>=square of【開方A(1/開方A)+開方B(1/開方B)】
(A+B)(1/A+1/B)>=square of (1+1)=4
The inequality holds iff A=B
參考: 自己math底

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