iPod Classic video 同步問題

2008-03-15 7:32 pm
1) 同步時,係咪 所有放Classic入面ge視訊同歌,部電腦入面都一定要有相同視訊同歌,否則,一同步,Classic 入面d視訊同歌都會冇晒?

2) 若果一定係咁,部電腦入面咪要放好多相同視訊,佔好多位(我部腦得160GB,我部腦一半ge地方都咪要黎放 Classic D 視訊同歌咯)?


回答 (1)

2008-03-15 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you choose to synchronize your iPod with your itunes, then what you said in the first question will happen. That's a way that you may take it as a reference, which I am doing this as well - just synchronize for the first time when you use it and then turn off the synchronization. You will thereafter have to drop the songs to your iPod manually, but then you will not lose anything if you decide to remove some of the songs in your hard disk.

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