
2008-03-15 7:55 am

回答 (1)

2008-03-16 5:17 am
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地球最外層的地殼同表層地幔構成我地嘅岩石圈, 佢有過百公里厚, 而大陸板塊又厚過海洋板塊. Asthenosphere (軟流層)係地幔中位於岩石圈之下嘅部分, 軟流層深處嘅高溫與高壓令佢嘅黏性低到足以產生黏性流動, 呢種黏性流動都係緩慢咁進行, 經過百萬年之後先至會有顯著嘅結果!
岩石圈就好似浮喺軟流層上面咁,而佢漂移嘅動力就來自地幔內部嘅熱力對流. 板塊構造理論基本概念係將岩石圈分為一些較細嘅硬性板塊, 呢d板塊邊緣部分嘅變形—例如摺曲, 伸拉同撕裂, 都係跟板塊嘅運動有關. 相對而言, 邊緣部分外部嘅變形就顯得不太重要.
地震活動嘅地圖明顯咁將板塊嘅邊界勾勒出來, 同時地球上大部分火山活動都係發生於呢d邊界區域. 地球上劃分了七大板塊, 當中最大係太平洋板塊, 仲有其餘較細嘅係有Nazca, Cocos, Scotia…
其實板塊構造理論係建基於一d好重要嘅假設…如果你有大學程度, 你可以考慮以下題材:

1. Rotation vectors (Present-day relative motionbetween pairs of plates, their positive-pole position and angular velocity) androtation poles (of the Earth)
2. Relative motion at plate boundary
3. Combination of rotation vectors
4. Changing of plate boundary with time
5. Triple junction
6. Role of Earth’s magnetic field
7. Dating of oceanic plates
8. Seismology (measurement of interior)
9. Gravitational potential and acceleration
10. Flexure of the lithosphere and the viscosity ofthe mantle
11. Geochronology using radioactive elements andfission-track dating
12. Conductive heat flow
13. Calculation of geotherms
14. Convention in the mantle and the interiorstructure of the Earth
15. Oceanic lithosphere and continental lithosphere

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