
2008-03-15 7:43 am
My name is Kelly. I am twelve years old. I am now living in Kowloon tong. My hobbies are drawing, running, playing piano. I can speak fluent Cantonese, as well as Putonghua and English. And my aspiration is being a fashion designer or a song writing. When I’ve got some leisure, I ll read books, watching TV or practicing my piano scale. You know,playing piano make me feel so free. And I want to study in this school because extr acurricular activities in Munsang have got so many types! I want to join the running club. Although I’m not a totally sport girl, but I’m sure that I can run quite FAST ! :-)


回答 (2)

2008-03-15 8:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
My name's Kelly. I'm a Chinese girl of twelve. Now I live in Kowloon Tong. My hobbies are drawing, running and playing piano. I can speak fluent Cantonese, Putonghua & English. My dream job is being a fashion designer or a song writer. When I'm free, I like reading books, watching TV or practising my piano scale. Playing piano makes me feel relaxed.
I know there're many different kinds of extra-curricular activities in this school, so I think I can be fit in Munsang; and I'd like to join the track & field club. Although I'm not good at every sport, I'm sure I'll try my best to be a good runner in the track & field.
2008-03-15 3:50 pm
My name is Kelly. I am twelve years old. I am living in Kowloon Tong. My hobbies are drawing, running and playing piano. I can speak fluent Cantonese, Putonghua and English. My career goal is to become either a fashion designer or a song composer. When I have leisure time, I like to read, watch TV and practise piano. Playing piano makes me feel relaxed. I know there are many different kinds of extra-curricular activities in Munsang and I would like to join the track & field club. Although I am not very sporty, I will try my best!!

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