2008-03-15 6:19 am
我 2005 係明愛白英奇款待學(旅遊)副學士畢業, 出黎做佐野 (同旅遊無關 ^^""),
宜家想繼續 part time 讀埋個 degree , 其實我知有幾個選擇, 我想問下邊個會好d? (其實我都會 apply 佐先, 始終 apply 佐未必收嘛 =3=)

1) 明愛徐誠斌學院(Birmingham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies)
-----BA (Hons) Hospitality and Tourism Management
2) HKU SPACE (The Scottish Hotel School, University of Strathclyde)
-----Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Management (Part-time)
-----Bachelor of Arts in Hotel and Hospitality Management (Part-time)
3) CITYU SCOP (Napier University Edinburgh Scotland)
-----Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality & Service Management
-----Bachelor of Arts in Travel and Tourism Management

仲有我想問邊張 CERT 出黎o既認受性大 d?
我 d fds 話 Birmingham College 出名 d, 但就無 SPACE個D咁多 facilitie, 但有 d 又話 SPACE 讀佐同無讀無分別@.@ 只有政府認何, 搞到我都唔知點, 請各位俾 D 意見 m(_._)m

回答 (2)

2008-03-25 2:32 am
認受性問題, 如果唔係一心想做政府工的就不用太擔心. 有朋友英國U畢業某政府部門亦接受. 很多行業也沒有分什麼overseas還是local u的, especially in tourism industry, attitude and work experience is always far more important than academic performance. so please don't worry.

請留意明愛徐誠斌的Top Up, Birmingham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies並不屬於University of Birmingham的, 兩者是沒有直接關係的, 是兩個不同的機構, 我先前都想讀所以send過email去問過, 兩者是合作關係. 它雖列明awarded by University of Birmingham, 但課程是由Birmingham College教授.

For Tourism and Hospitality Managment, I think Strathclyde is really not bad. 在英國有名氣的. 比某幾間本地大學世界排名還要高得多. 本人放棄了poly u tourism management 的 offer 選擇了University of Strathclyde. Some of the professors and tutors are teaching in Poly U's Tourism programme. 教學質數同support有番咁上下. 而Strathclyde的BA同在英國campus讀的programme時數與教學完全相同, 等同於英國修畢一樣, 畢業禮也是於英國與當地畢業生一同進行. 順帶一提, HKU Space協辦的programme比起其他大學的進修學院在內地發展更有認受性, 因HKU Space在中國內也有分校, 與內地有名的大學有合作, 包括清華大學.

Napier business 還ok, 但tourism 就一般.
2008-03-16 7:51 am
all three degree course you say are OVERSEA degree.
Hong Kong Government is not accept oversea degree if you apply government job. All the degree is award by oversea university not SPACE or SCOPE.
I suggest you study a local degree.

e.g. HK PolyU SPEED

Bachelor of Arts in Travel Industry Management / 旅遊服務業管理學文學士 which is direct award by HK PolyU

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