
2008-03-15 2:42 am
係邊度可以買溜冰着ge衣服呀??? 要現成架!!!!

skating dresses, leggings, boot covers and skate guards!!!!!~

回答 (3)

2008-03-16 5:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
all can buy in the shop near ice rink,such as the rink in elements or the shop called"Inside Edge" in festival walk and glacier walk,the website is" http://www.glacier.com.hk/shop/shop_index.html"
about skating dress and boot covers,i stonely recomment u go to elements buy because ther have more beautiful dress and boot covers.
however,if u want to for competitions,u are better to indent a cloth which are shoot for u,besides,it must be more beautiful
2008-03-16 5:26 am
衫呢.. 就要睇你幾多歲..
因為溜冰學校個d 多數都係for 小朋友..
legging 係指護膝掛.. 呢個好多運動專門店都會有
boot cover 就溜冰學校.. 個到有好多色比你揀..不過就貴d lo..
參考: 我自己學緊花式溜冰
2008-03-15 2:57 am

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