
2008-03-15 12:53 am

Although there are many challenges ahead, we also have tremendous opportunities before us. As long as we continue to sharpen our competitive edge, I am confident we will enjoy a fruitful year.

回答 (2)

2008-03-15 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
句子寫得不錯, 獨是有個地方值得商榷。

Although there are many challenges ahead, we ALSO have tremendous opportunities before us.

如果一個句子是由兩部分組成(2 clauses 或 a clause and a phrase), 而兩部分同樣是正面(positive)的, 可以用 also(亦); 但這裡的句子前部分是負面意思---Although there are many challenges ahead (雖然前面荊棘滿途), 後部分卻是正面意思---we have tremendous opportunities before us (我們面前的機會多得很), 便不應該用 also, 應刪除這字。Although there are many challenges ahead, we have tremendous opportunities before us 便足夠了。

2008-03-14 18:48:48 補充:
we have tremendous opportunities before us 我們前面有很好的機會。
2008-03-15 1:05 am
Very good!

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