Top up degree course

2008-03-14 7:19 pm
I graduated from Higher Diploma in Tourism Management, would like to study a top up degree in Business Management or Business Admin. I found that there are oversea programme organised by Speed or Scope, such as Business Management from Northumbria by Speed, Business Admin and Management from De Montford by Scope, Business Management from Wolverhampton by Scope.......Did anyone study before? How is the program? What is the assessment method? Is it difficult? Please advice, Thanks!

回答 (2)

2008-03-19 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
You mentioned the three England Univeristy. I know the Northumbria one is the best among three Universities.

Ranking of three Universities.

73 Northumbria
97 De Montfort
112 Wolverhampton

In general, England Universities need the student to hand in the dissertation with about 10000 to 11000 words and plus 5 to 8 modules. It is depending on the University policy. I know that Northumbria would have exam, assignment and Dissertation. I can say dissertation is demanding at any England University.
Anyway, Distance learning have advantage and disadvantage in Hong Kong.


(1) Fast: Unusally one year
(2) Quality: (無野雞) Name "University" is strongly Restricted by UK Goverment

(1) May be not recognised by "HKCAA"
If not recognised, it mean you waste money to study that course.
HKCAA is depend on your personal academic level - CE, AL, Higher Diploma and Degree.

As I know, One IVE graduate student study at Leeds MetroXXX University distance learning Degree held by IVE. When he graduate the course, HKCAAs acamdemic report from his background is same as "Higher Diploma"

Therefore, it is highly risky when you study that courses.
I suggested that you can consider the local Univesity or HKCAA recognised Degree

Chu Hai College of Higher Education
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) (4-year full-time)

Hong Kong Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Business awarded by the Southern Cross University, Australia (Additional Majors in Management, Logistics management, and Finance) (3-year full-time or 4-year part-time)

Open University
In general, if you hold Higher diploma, you can exempt 60 credit from the course!

If you have further question, Pls email me!

2008-03-18 17:34:29 補充:
Uk university ranking

2008-03-18 21:11:02 補充:
HKCAA website
參考: Me
2008-03-15 1:25 am
獲得的學位同當地一樣(無寫住Oversea learning)
而學費就係香港價仲有政府註冊, 可以問政府免入息貸款

大學的認受性可以經香港學術評審局 評審後得到和本地大學學位一樣的資格

有興趣Email我 [email protected]
同你傾傾, 希望幫到你

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