
2008-03-14 8:12 am
1.The village is now very different from ______ it was six years age.
A. where B.what C.when D.which
2.Any body,when _____ to a huge teamperature, becomes a source of light.
A.heated B.being heated C.having heated D.to be heated
3.Now more and more people have come to know the role that trees ______in our natural environment.
A.do B.take C.play D.work
4.Why do you call her Miss Jones?She's Mrs Reich.
She was _____ Jones before she married _______Bill.
A.the;the B. a;不填 C.the;不填 D.a;the
5.Sorry, I can't lend you any money.All ______ I've got is a pound.
A.what B.which C.that D.it
6.________, the catfish is prized for its taste.
A.Ugly-look B.Ugly-looking C.Ugly-looked D.To look ugly


回答 (3)

2008-03-14 6:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. B--what
因為這句比較的是不同的"狀態", 不是比較不同的地點和時間, 所以不用where 和 when.
The village is different from what it was before. 這裡what it was before 四個字合起來的意思是 "村子當時的狀態", 句子的重點是這個狀態和現在的狀態不同, 不是時間的不同.
比較不同的"時間"才用when. 用例子說明
(a) The Chinese had built a great civilisation when the Europeans were still in dark ages. ("歐洲尚在黑暗時代的時候", 是一種時間, 所以用when)
(b) The Chinese had no idea what the European cultures had achieved during the Renaissance. ("歐洲的成就"是一件客觀事實, 所以用 what, 即使這件事實有時間性, "在文藝復興時代裡")
2. A--heated
全句等同於:Any body becomes a source of light when it is heated to a high temperature.
這句子可以變化, 把when it is heated 這個被動語移移到主語 any body 之後, 加上comma, 使它成為了any body 的修飾語, 表達一種狀態, 在此情況, it is 就可以省略. 全句: Any body, when heated to a high temperature, becomes a source of light.
3. c--play
這是配詞的習慣, role 一定是配play.
4. b--a; nil
"一個姓Jones 的人", 英文寫法是 a Jones. Bill 是人名, 自然不用加 a 或 the.
5. c--that
that 的作用是把 all 和 I've got 連起來.
用what 的話就不需要用all. What I've got is a pound.
6. B--ugly looking
全句等於: The catfish is priced for its taste although it is ugly-looking. 文法上, "looking" 可以和其他形容詞組合成為構成形容詞, ugly-looking 就是"看來醜"
這句子可以變化, 把形容詞 ugly-looking 移到主語 catfish 之前, 用comma分開, 作用是把ugly-looking 化為 主語 catfish 的修飾語, although it is 就可以省略. 全句: Ugly-looking, the catfish is price for its taste.

2008-11-15 6:57 am
我的名字is raymond li
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2008-03-14 2:42 pm
c, a, c, b, c, b

Sorry, I'm not an English tutor so I can't explain it. I just know.

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