for vs to

2008-03-14 3:59 am
我唔知幾時use "to" & "for"
My friend give it (for/to) me ...
how do I use "for" &"to"???

回答 (2)

2008-03-14 4:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
for 可以用作 [為左]
to 可以用作 [向, 往, 給...,于...,直到...為止, 在...之前, 比, 對]

my friend give it [to] me

She's coming [for] Christmas.她為了聖誕節而來
face [to] face 面對面
He pointed to the clock.他指著那個鐘

2008-03-13 20:18:07 補充:
She is coming [for] Christmas.她為了聖誕節而來
2008-03-14 5:46 pm
to is when people give things to you like My friend gave it to me
For is like This is for my friend
for usually used before somebody else instead of youself like give

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