✔ 最佳答案
One In A Million
Love it babe. Love it babe.
Baby you don't know,what you do to me.
Between me and you, I feel a chemistry.
Won't let noone come and take your place.
Cause the love you give can't be replaced.
See noone else love me like you do.
That's why I want to spend my life with you.
Wanna please you in anyway I can.
Wanna share my world don't you understand.
Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and on
you give me a really good feelin all day long.
Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and on
you give me a really good feelin all day long.
Turn me inside out make my heart speak.
Don't want nobody else you are all I need.
Personality(ty) in everything you do(do)
Makes me love everything bout you.
Your smile your style so fly I can't deny
I got a crush on you and that's true indeed.
I'm diggin you your makin me believe.
Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and on
you give me a really good feelin all day long.
Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and on
you give me a really good feelin all day long.
I'll give you anything you want from me anything you want anything you need
anything your soul desires
I'll give you anything you want from me anything you want anything you need
anything your soul desires
Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and on
You give me a really good feelin all day long.[fades]
Love it babe.[echo] love it babe. love it babe [repeat]
We are ready:
*一年一年的等待 我們看見未來一起用汗水來灌溉 五種色彩
一天一天的等待 心情更加澎湃創造最大的舞臺 最豪邁的時代
這片土地已經準備好 打開夢想起飛的跑道
讓全世界的目光 降落在我們的懷抱
We Are Ready 把心和心都連在一起
We Are Ready 把天與地都連在一起
超越了自己 贏得一場光榮的勝利 用時間紀念夢想的神奇
We Are Ready We Are Ready We Are Ready
一分一秒的等待 這刻終於到來 漫天燦爛的煙花 在驕傲的盛開
這個民族已經準備好 帶著笑容來向你問好 讓全世界的目光 降落在我們的懷抱
We Are Ready 把心和心都連在一起
We Are Ready 把天與地都連在一起
超越了自己 贏得一場光榮的勝利 用時間紀念夢想的神奇
We Are Ready 把心和心都連在一起
We Are Ready 把天與地都連在一起
超越了自己 贏得一場光榮的勝利 用時間紀念夢想的神奇
We Are Ready
2008-03-13 20:02:30 補充:
漫天風雪 人心惶惶
看天蒼蒼 大地白茫茫
愛的力量 銳不可當
雪溶於水 血濃於水
雪有多大 情有多濃
千里冰封心不凍 透出一道彩虹
漫天風雪 你不孤單
請把傷感 化成每滴汗
路的盡頭 就是家園
陌生的手 雪中送暖
祝願你一路平安 到永遠