有關urbz sims in the city(nds)

2008-03-14 2:00 am
I am playing on mission 3 and I'm stucked!I've got the paper near the
musuem and went to graveyard and got another paper and I dont know what
to do with it!(scrap of paper)

completed all other goals in mission 1,2.Except the most right one in mission 3 is still a "?" sigh.

回答 (2)

2008-03-24 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案


去museum出面個花叢, 貼住個花叢行

佢會出個黃色箭嘴, 你就可以拎野

跟住你會拎左一張紙, 我初初唔知有咩用, 仲係度等下個mission


我反而唔知點樣拎2 REP同charism同贏唔到個電單車比賽
2008-04-01 2:34 am
Hey , u're not answering my question!I said the paper I found in the GRAVEYARD,not the MUSEUM!You FOOL!

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