0386, 0388 問題

2008-03-14 1:42 am
Yoki Sir,

I have bought the following stocks last month, now px are fall down n down..... What can I do??? Wait or cut loss right now. Please advise your suggestion. Many thanks.

0386 - $8.8
0388 - $154.8

回答 (1)

2008-03-14 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
388你都買得幾貴. 今日收市價在所有平均線之下. 如果我係你, 吼佢反彈就止蝕,
因為唔知個底係邊, 同埋唔知要捱幾耐.
386 same case,不理基本因素, 所有技術指標都勁醜. 對策同上.
止蝕la.Cash is king ar!!

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