問題到期提醒信 - 懇請各位英文高手請幫幫小弟 5分 中譯英(急)

2008-03-13 11:10 pm


回答 (2)

2008-03-14 1:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
I will attend my friend's 18 years old birthday party on Sunday. I have been considering what gift I should present to him. Since he likes wine, one of my friends will send him a bottle of wine. I was thinking to send him one as well since there is a bottle of wine of 1979 in my house. However, I do not think my dad will let me do so. At last, it was Sunday yet I have not decided what I should send him. Someone told me to give him simply a red packet.
I usually enjoy sleeping at home. If I do not sleep, I will browse on the internet, mainly on my own blog website as well as on others. After internet, I always go shopping like crazy in the supermarket for snacks. During these days, I become a lazy bug.

2008-03-13 17:10:04 補充:
2008-03-13 11:14 pm
In Sunday, I can go to me friend's birthday meeting, his this birthday
could be 18 years old, therefore I all did not know gives him any gift
to be good But friend of mine delivers him on the plan red wine
Because friend of mine is 10分之 loves the liquor, but I at this
time, I had thought in my family had 1979 years the red beverage
bottles But I feared very much my daddy cannot give the friend to me
Therefore I all was had thought the second gift gave me the friend To
Sunday in I also am thought delivers any thing to give friend of mine
Finally some people said to me Delivered the red package to

In the home, I usually can sleep, if I do not sleep time, I can
operate □the computer to access the net Usually at my all meeting
specially writes own diary or looked others' diary, after on the net,
I all can go to in the supermarket crazily to buy the between-meal
snack, therefore these days, I have changed big lazybones

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