舖頭結束, d貨點算?

2008-03-13 9:45 pm
我的嬰兒用品舖頭結束, 所有貨品平價出售, 有冇人有興趣?

回答 (4)

2008-03-15 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
e-mail: e2carol_lam@yahoo.com.hk
2008-03-18 9:59 pm
Interested ! What types of baby stuff are they ? Could you send me more information as well as the quotation of them ? I'm serious. kspchan999@yahoo.com
2008-03-14 5:47 pm
send me quotation pls

2008-03-13 10:32 pm
E-mail Me kellychanhoying1998@yahoo.com.hk

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